What Is the Definition of Climate Change in South Africa

There have been various confirmations about the effects of climate change in South Africa with rapidly decreasing rainfall and high temperature levels. Climate change is projected to raise temperatures in South Africa by 2 to 3 degrees Celsius by mid-century and, in a tentative scenario, 3 to 4 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. [3] Impacts also include altered precipitation patterns and increased evaporation, increasing the likelihood of extreme droughts. [3] According to the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, climate change will affect the Western Cape in the following ways: This is not a hopeless struggle. They can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for change. If you reduce your electricity consumption, drive less and recycle more, you can reduce greenhouse gases. Here are some examples of what you can do: South Africa is not immune to the effects of climate change. In 2015, South Africa recorded the lowest annual rainfall since 1904. In the same year, Cape Town also recorded the highest temperature in the last 100 years at 42°C, lack of rain and unusually high temperatures contributed to some of the worst fires the city has ever seen.

And in 2017/2018, the Western Cape experienced the worst drought in decades, threatening our water security. The various impacts of climate change on rural communities are expected to include: drought, depletion of water resources and biodiversity, soil erosion, decline of subsistence agriculture and cessation of cultural activities. [5] South Africa has an important tourism aspect to consider when considering the effects of climate change. It is a sensitive sector, but its importance lies in its vulnerability to climate change, which has increased recently. [28] The challenges go beyond the need to pave the way for more tourists. South Africa`s main concern extends to the development of plans to reduce poverty resulting from climate change in South Africa. [29] Tourism has called on policymakers in Africa to improve employment opportunities and economic growth, and to support various sectors. The tourism sector in South Africa is facing various critical challenges, mainly due to the effects of climate change. [30] In this context, it is important to note that the national government in South Africa has begun to implement new tourism and climate-based policies to address the challenges. [31] It is important to mention that the general climate in South Africa suffers from different conditions and changes / These fluctuations target regions of summer and winter precipitation, subtropical areas and humid and arid regions. [32] As bleak as it sounds, there is hope.

Climate change gives us an opportunity to innovate and create a more sustainable environment. All we have to do is do our part and change our habits. The South African government drafted its National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (NCCAS) in 2019. This strategy sets out a vision for adapting to climate change and building the country`s resilience. The strategy also identifies priority areas for achieving this vision, which include water resources, agriculture and forestry, health, biodiversity and ecosystems, human settlements and disaster risk reduction. [1] This strategy was also developed to meet the country`s commitment to meet its commitments under the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). As our agriculture sector is vulnerable to climate change, it is essential to provide advice to farmers and other stakeholders in the sector to prepare for the effects of climate change to protect their livelihoods and our province`s food security. The biggest challenge facing any nation due to climate change is its direct impact on food security. In this sense, Africa is listed as the continent most vulnerable to climate change. [20] In Ethiopia, for example, food production faces major challenges due to climate change.

It should be noted that annual production losses due to climate change are increasing year by year. [21] The Western Cape has been developing its policy responses to climate change since 2008. This work has matured and deepened as we analyze our greenhouse gas emissions, our priority areas for action to reduce emissions, and our priority areas to build resilience and adapt to a new climate. Agriculture is expected to be negatively impacted by droughts, reduced rainfall, pests and other environmental changes due to climate change. [3] Higher temperatures in South Africa[22] and less rainfall lead to limited water resources and altered soil moisture, leading to reduced productivity of arable land. [23] The Western Cape government contributes to global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as the Western Cape is one of South Africa`s provinces most affected by climate change. These small changes not only reduce your contribution to climate change, but they also save you money and improve your health. One of the positive outcomes of our approach to climate change has been the development of a Western Cape Climate Change Response Framework and an Implementation Plan for the Agricultural Sector, better known as SmartAgri. SmartAgri helps farmers in different parts of the Western Cape reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and protect their farms and operations from the effects of climate change.

South Africa is finalizing its national climate change adaptation strategy. „The National Adaptation Strategy serves as a common reference point for climate change adaptation efforts in South Africa and provides a platform on which national climate change adaptation targets can be formulated for the country to provide comprehensive guidance to all sectors of the economy[39][update needed] Climate change in South Africa is leading to rising temperatures and variability in rainfall. There is evidence that extreme weather events are becoming increasingly important due to climate change. [1] This is a major concern for South Africans as climate change will affect the overall condition and well-being of the country, for example in terms of water resources. As in many other parts of the world, climate science has shown that the real challenge in South Africa is related to environmental issues rather than development. [2] The most severe impacts will be on water supply, with huge implications for the agricultural sector. [3] Rapid environmental change results in significant impacts on the community and environmental level in different ways and aspects, ranging from air quality, temperature and weather to food security and disease burden. [4] Climate change occurs when greenhouse gases trap too much solar heat in our atmosphere and prevent it from returning to space. This is commonly referred to as the greenhouse effect, as it acts like the glass of a greenhouse. Carbon dioxide, which is produced when we burn oils and fossil fuels, is responsible for most of our greenhouse gases.

South Africa is characterized by a generally warm climate, with cooler temperatures in high-altitude regions. In recent decades, minimum and maximum temperatures have become both more frequent and more extreme. The country`s vast coastline is affected by strong waves and storm surges, as well as rapid urbanization. South Africa`s most significant climate vulnerabilities stem from water availability challenges. Warming temperatures and variable precipitation increase evaporation and decrease flows, which negatively affects water storage systems. South Africa`s greenhouse gas emissions are largely due to electricity and heat production. Maize production, which accounts for a large part of the gross value of South African crops, has also been negatively affected by climate change. A march of 12,000 people called on COP17 delegates to take urgent climate action. [40] Protesters also entered the conference venue when negotiations were deadlocked.

[41] In recent decades, scientists have noticed changes in our atmosphere.