Texto Legal Wikipedia

Los documentos legales son aquellos en los cuales una autoridad competente rubrica el documento, ya sea un abogado, un escribano, un juez. Tiene que ser una autoridad que tenga un título universitario en cuestiones legales, lo que no implica que un médico legista no pueda refrendar un certificado, por el contrario es necesaria su firma; Así, UN Director de escuela certifica que un alumno ha cumplido con los requisitos exigidos por las autoridades educativas. If you are the owner of content that is misused in one of the projects without your permission, you can request that the content be removed under the DMCA. To make such a request, please email us at legalwikimedia.org or send our designated representative to that address. The main restrictions on exclusive exploitation rights are set out in Chapter 2 of Title III. The following summary does not correspond to the order of this chapter and the following headings have no legal basis or legal value. The new charter formalized that no one could be imprisoned without a court order (Act 26 of Chapter 9) or on the basis of a debt (Act 3 of Chapter 16). It also introduced due process and a form of habeas corpus: no one could be arrested without first being summoned to the Gernika oak tree and given 30 days to respond to the summons. When they appeared under the tree, they had to be provided with charges and all the evidence against them had to be kept so that they could defend themselves (Law 7 of Chapter 9).

No one may be sent to prison or deprived of his liberty until he has been formally tried, and no one may be charged with another crime until his current trial is completed (Act 5 of Chapter 5). Those who feared being illegally arrested could turn to the Regimiento General to enforce their rights. The Regimiento (the executive arm of the Juntas Generales of Biscay) would demand that the prisoner be handed over to them, and then the prisoner would be released and placed under the protection of the Regimiento pending trial. [59] Just as the contribution of the Wikimedia community is essential to the growth and maintenance of the projects, we believe that the contribution of the community to these Terms of Use is essential to providing adequate service to our users. This is also important for a fair contract. Accordingly, we will make these Terms of Use, as well as any material future revisions to these Terms of Use, available to the Community for comment at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the comment period. If a proposed future revision is material, we will provide an additional 30 days for comments after publishing a translation of the proposed revision in at least three languages (selected at our discretion). The Community is encouraged to translate the proposed revision into other languages, where appropriate.

In the event of changes for legal or administrative reasons, to correct an inaccurate statement, or for changes in response to community feedback, we will provide at least three (3) days` notice. The online encyclopedia warned that it could www.wikipedia.it shut down its site permanently, as legal regulations require websites to correct content that is harmful to a person`s image within 48 hours of a complaint, with no right of appeal. To be accepted, an application for habeas corpus must meet the following criteria. First, the applicant [i.e. the person seeking habeas corpus] must prove that he or she has been deprived of liberty. Once the deprivation of liberty has been established, the applicant must provide a legitimate reason to challenge its legality. Where the applicant has invoked such a ground, the burden of proving the lawfulness of the deprivation of liberty lies with the defendant authorities [i.e. the person or institution which detained the applicant]. [29] The author has the exclusive right to exploit the work in any manner or form, subject to legal limitations of exclusivity, in particular the rights of reproduction, distribution, communication to the public and transformation (Art. 17). The author may transfer all or part of these rights to another person, although such a transfer may not prevent the author from compiling a collection (in whole or in part) of his works (Art. 22).

Any agreement on the assignment of exploitation rights must be in writing (Art. 45): it cannot cover all future works of an author (Art. 43.3), cannot require the author to cease producing works in the future (Art. 43.4) and cannot cover forms of distribution that do not exist at the time of the conclusion of the contract (Art. 43.5). Such an agreement must, as a general rule, guarantee the author a fair share of the income from the exploitation of the work (Art. 46.1, 47), although in some cases a fixed payment is allowed (Art. 46.2). The various exploitation rights are independent of each other (Art.

23). Some activities, whether legal or illegal, may be harmful to other users and violate our policies, and some activities may also expose you to liability. Therefore, for your own protection and that of other users, you should not engage in such activities on our websites.