Temps De Pause Legal Pour 7H De Travail

Idier I am in full reorg.avec meridian break (on strike for 10 days!!) Nothing prevents you from going about your business during this break. You believe that during these 45 minutes you will get out of your tour circuit. It`s unpaid, so no obligation. The only thing our dear and beautiful employer is obliged to do is find a food outlet. The journey is counted in the working hours, of course hello master, I have a lunch break from 12h to 13h30. If I interrupt my work on a construction site in Paris 17. and my next intervention is in Créteil for 1:30 pm. Do I have to make the trip during my lunch break???? Thanks in advance. Sincerely Hi My spouse is cashier especially these timers are 8:30 am – 12:30 pm then 3 pm – 7:45 pm she never has a break or just really too much to go to the toilet and that`s it, on this pay we keep a break time, I do not think it is normal, to deduct the amount for 1 year that she is in this position? The employee may be obliged to work on Sundays at the request of the employer. As a rule, there is no wage increase or compensatory measures (e.g. extra break). Once the daily working time reaches 6 hours, the employee© must be given©© a break of at least 20 consecutive minutes©. I work in a cui in a water center as a receptionist, as part of the sports collective agreement.

Regarding our schedule, open 7 days a week I do not have a regularity of schedules for my meal during my lay????? Sometimes finished at 3pm (meal) since 10am and again at 4pm or finished at 2.30pm (meal) or finished at 10pm (meal) when I started at 4pm???????? A total imbalance in food for me and my colleagues???? Is this normal???? Can the boss force us?? How to eat almost normally???? I am under therapy to quit smoking and another is diabetic Am at the cotorep for deforming hyperkyphosis (upper back) the boss refuses to buy a new chair, he has the right??? The employee© may be forced to stay at work during his lunch break©. Hello, I work 1 week out of two in an 8h shift (6h-14h) in a machine where we are forced to run it on all the working time, so we stay the 8h in the machine knowing that I eat in the machine while driving it! We have a canteen, but I`m not allowed to go because I don`t need to turn off the machine! So my question is: Am I allowed to stop the machine to eat in the cafeteria for 20 minutes? And if I took them, would I have to catch those 20 minutes? (apologized for his mistakes if he had any) I`m a security guard in a store and we don`t have a break room available. The store employs (very) many employees and they are allowed to go to a break room upstairs, but this room is forbidden to us. Is it legal? (Currently we take our breaks in a work room, video surveillance. In short, not terrible to respect our privacy for our break times) Indeed, during breaks, the employee© is in principle not under the direction of his employer. It is therefore not the actual working time that gives entitlement to©compensation©. I am a domestic help, to visit a person A to a person B, there are on my schedule 8 minutes including 1 minute for the ride (800 meters is 1 minute on via Michelin). My employer pays this minute and not the other 7? What personal professions can I do in 7 minutes, especially since 1 minute leads on the Via Michelin from point A to point B.

I certainly have to drive my car to the floor of buildings. Then, I think that the 8 minutes in their entirety are the actual working time needed for the journey (stairs up/down, parking not always in front, but where there is room in the city center, etc…). The objective of the Directive of 4 November 2003 is to protect workers in the European Community by enabling them to „benefit from minimum rest periods – daily, weekly and annual – and adequate breaks“. During this working time, he may not interrupt his professional activity© to carry out© his personal activities. Wondering if an employer can ask the employee© to take their mandatory break in installments? No, the employer does not have the option of dividing© the mandatory break time (20 minutes) of employees©. It is forbidden to work on average more than 44 hours per week, there is already a tolerance to go up to 48 hours. That`s all, by the way, it`s strictly forbidden. There are no exceptions in your situation. Hello, I currently work 8 hours straight without a break and practically without being able to sit, I am alone to manage the shop that I have to come on Saturday as soon as it suits them well while I do not have to work. I am over 50 years old I eat standing between 2 customers And now I am accused that some do not find me sympathetic without telling me who obviously. The I start saturated what should I do Thank you It should be remembered that article L3121-33 resulting from the transposition of a European directive n°.

2003/88 on certain arrangements of working time, Article 4 of which on breaks provides that `Member States shall take the measures necessary to ensure that, where the daily working time exceeds six hours, every worker has the right to a break, the detailed rules for granting it, in particular the duration and conditions for granting it, in collective agreements or social contracts or, failing that: be laid down by national law. The collective agreement may provide for paid breaks, but also©longer or more frequent breaks©than those provided for©© by law. Hello, I work at night at 10am (9pm-7am), alone in 1 care facility I can not take a break or I am available for patients. ©© We are paid 10 hours. Does it include the break or does it have to be paid extra? Thank you very much. The break time at work is included in the Labour Code: the employee must be granted a break of 20 consecutive minutes for 6 hours of work. An employee who considers that the employer is not respecting the prescribed break times may alert the labour inspectorate and appeal to the Labour Court (CPH). There is a tolerance for breaks at work if the employee takes breaks appropriately. An employer can punish abuse with a simple reprimand, disciplinary dismissal, or even dismissal for misconduct. Hi, I have a 15 minute break alor that I work 7 hours a day and it`s 15 minutes break, my employer makes me catch up every day for more than 1 year. Is it legal what he does? Hello, I temporarily vary my schedules, once in the morning from 6am to 1.30pm with a 30-minute break at 9.30am AND in the afternoon from 1.15pm to 8.45pm including a break at 4.30pm. This break is !!! Not listed For a few days, during our break, we are forbidden to go to our personal vehicles under the pretext of theft!!! Should the break be paid for because we are not doing what we want? Waiting for your answer! This decision was taken in the context of a case between LIDL and one of its cashiers.

The company argued that cashiers engaged in self-service „never reached this trigger threshold of six consecutive hours, as work hours were necessarily interrupted by a 7-minute break in half the workday or even a 35-minute lunch break when the scheduled schedule covered the interval from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.“ Hello I work in a private microcrèche from 8am to 7pm with a lunch break of one hour unpaid. We can go smoke for smokers, but not disappear. We are forbidden to leave the facility because the number of children would no longer be legal. In an emergency, we must be able to intervene. So, shouldn`t this break be paid? No human being is able to work more than 7 hours a day without resting, without suffering consequences on health and performance. Despite his good will, the employee remains a flesh-and-blood human being. Pee break, coffee break, lunch break. The ways to breathe deeply in the office are legion. Be careful though, because according to the law, not all these interruptions are necessarily valid.

In these cases, the employee is not obliged to be at the disposal of the employer and the break time is not considered as actual working time and is not remunerated. In the factory where I work it`s the same, I see in my schedule (09:00 – > 19:00 or 10 hours), I am paid only 09:30 because I am given 30 minutes of meal break, I do what I want during this time (phone, eat, have a coffee, smoke …), but not paid! Hello, I taff in the retirement home as a nursing assistant and I work days of 10H.