Pmn Law Firm

Their previous practice management system was outdated and poorly integrated with digital records and communications management. The company felt that it could not adapt to modern methods of records management, communication, creation and delivery of documents with the system used since 1999. Palios Meegan Nicholson (PMN Lawyers) is an Adelaide law firm with proven expertise and experience in obtaining compensation and damages for people injured on the job, in public places, as a result of car accidents and medical negligence. Gwen Simons, Esq, PT, OCS, FAAOMPT founded Simons & Associates Law in 2007 as a law firm serving the needs of healthcare providers in private practice. As a physiotherapist and former private physician, she understands that small practices need cost-effective legal and compliance solutions, and has designed her services to meet these needs. That`s why, since 2007, she has been a trusted legal counsel for 40+ physical therapy practices in Maine and 600+ entrepreneurial practitioners across the country who have established telemedicine, counseling, and cash practices. Gwen is also the Executive Director of the NorthEast Private Practice Network, working on laws and regulations that promote fair reimbursement, fair contracts with payers, and a level playing field for private physicians. Medicare and Medicaid audits are on the rise. Government payers are looking for an opportunity or excuse to collect payments that have already been made to you for services you have legally provided. Even minor and harmless omissions in the clinical literature in a small number of cases can be extrapolated to result in a claim of thousands (or even hundreds of thousands) of dollars. However, auditors often make mistakes by misinterpreting or misapplying CMS rules. If you are being tested, you will need a lawyer.

Does your professional liability insurance cover the services you provide? You may be surprised to discover that this is not the case. Coverage for professional misconduct may be limited to tasks within the scope of the profession. Since the laws on practice vary from state to state, as well as the interpretations of licensing agencies, the same insurance plan could provide different coverage in different states. Non-traditional services may not be covered by your treatment failure plan at all. If you need help determining if you have the right policy for your practice, Simons & Associates can help. Whether you`re buying insurance, being a cash business, or developing intellectual property, we can help. Our mission is to ensure that private practice survives and thrives! PracticeEvolve, consisting of Linetime and SOS, is a forward-thinking provider of law practice management software. With a clear path to the cloud, our innovative methodology and focus on software development, we can offer cutting-edge solutions to our clients while remaining at the forefront of legal technology. Simons & Associates Law advises healthcare providers who open a private practice, develop and expand their practice, bring shareholders into their practice and sell their practice. We have helped clients draft service proposals, develop legally defensible consulting services, negotiate service contracts with institutions, and develop fitness, wellness and other services as an extension of their traditional medical practice. Prior to attending University of Maine Law School, Gwen founded 3 private practices in the Louisville, KY area, provided contract services to a rural Kentucky hospital, and provided labor compensation management and job analysis consulting to major industries. Since graduating from the University of Kentucky`s PT School in 1986, she has been a tireless advocate for physical therapists and is president of the Kentucky Physical Therapy Association and the Maine chapter, APTA.

She currently serves on working groups for the Private Practice Section (PPS), the Occupational Health Special Interest Group of the Academy of Orthopaedics, and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (AAOMPT). As an experienced physiotherapist, she always performs functional performance evaluations for personal injury, disability and employee compensation cases. Contracts with private insurers are becoming increasingly complicated. Many contracts are „silent PPOs“ that allow the payer to sell its preferred supplier network to any other payer with whom the supplier may already have a separate contract. Suppliers can risk their business by signing any contract that gets in their way without first seeking legal advice on what the contract actually means for supplier reimbursement. Simons & Associates can review your agreements with suppliers and help you negotiate terms that adequately protect you and the payer.