List Political Factors That Can Affect a Business

In addition, political factors affect not only directly, but also other factors that can have a significant impact on the company and its operating environment. Certain factors create links in various ways, such as: Governments can raise or decrease corporate taxes, which affects profits. They can also affect businesses by increasing VAT on products or corporate tax rates. Political factors can influence companies in several ways. These external environmental factors can result in a risk factor that can lead to a significant loss of business. These factors can alter overall results and, therefore, companies should be able to cope with local and international policy outcomes. There are many external environmental factors that negatively and positively affect the company. Business leaders must consider these factors and make decisions that minimize the impact of the external environment. These factors include political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors, also known as PESTLE analysis.

A change in political leadership can change government policy. In some countries, some political parties are considered „business-friendly“. Some political parties are more pro-working class in terms of politics. A good example is the push to raise the minimum wage in developed countries. Other similar changes are; One of the biggest challenges for businesses is corruption. The ability to influence companies – whether or not it creates value – can enable public servants to use their power. Political factors can affect a company by making the market environment more or less favorable for that company. Typically, governments have a lot of power over companies and often there`s not much companies can do about it. Political trends can affect any level of society, be it individuals, families or organizations such as small businesses. Policy trends set by government agencies and executives can affect the legal framework in which small businesses operate, market conditions that affect consumer behavior, and the level of support offered to small businesses by government. Understanding political trends at the national and local levels is an essential part of planning and strategizing for your small business.

As management evolves, so do policies. These political factors can influence and potentially change the entire business scenario. They can be as follows: The political nuances of a country are one of the most important challenges in international trade. Political leaders often make decisions that affect labor law, education, transportation, and taxes, which in turn affect businesses. It`s not easy to overcome the political challenges of multiple countries, so it`s important to make sure it`s ready for globalization before you grow your business. Political and governmental factors affect all businesses in all countries. All companies need to be flexible enough to respond to changing rules and policies. Companies are often unable to control the changes to rules and policies that will take place in the future. However, companies planning to move to a new country or expand into a new country are well advised to conduct a PESTEL analysis and pay particular attention to the political issues of the new country. With a change in management policies, political factors emerge that can change the entire business scenario. These changes can be economic, legal or social and include the following factors: Governments often seek to create value directly by producing public goods that have two identifying factors: Great importance is often attached to political factors that affect the economy. Several aspects of government policy can affect businesses.

All businesses must comply with the law. Managers need to determine how future legislation may affect their operations. The annual budget is when most business factors can change due to changes in tax laws, financial laws, etc. Since political systems vary from one area to another, the policy implications differ. The people of the country democratically elect an open system of government. In totalitarian systems, the power of government comes from a select group. Political factors also influence other business-related factors that can have a significant indirect impact on the business. Examples of factors that may be influenced by policy considerations include: Tariffs are designed to protect local businesses from foreign competition. Basically, you get consumers to buy products within a country`s borders. In some cases, tariffs are used as a form of protectionism. To do this, governments restrict imports through taxes or other trade barriers. The contract has created business growth for North American companies.

He established a regional market and an easy way to create integrated production centers. However, it has also led to job losses among low-wage workers, as it has become easier to shift production to areas with lower labor costs. These laws affect businesses, including increasing costs. These laws may seem onerous to some businesses, but they are essential to prevent consumer fraud. The political environment is usually divided into the following types of political ideologies, which are most prevalent in many countries If you want to learn more about how globalization and political activities affect your business, consider taking an online course like Global Business. This way, you can prepare for the reality of globalization and the impact of political decisions on your business. In this article, we`ll look at some of the key policy factors influencing a company for your next PESTLE analysis. Below is a list of the political factors that influence the economy: Companies must therefore understand the impact in order to develop strategies that reap the benefits of this trade policy. It can be difficult to change labour law. Any change in labour law has an impact on companies. Changes are usually dictated by the government. This is usually the result of working-class demands or an upheaval in public opinion.

Therefore, companies need to be aware of these changes and find ways to comply. The purest democracy never exists, but it exists in the form of representative government for which the citizens of this country voted. They believe in government and give them the power to make decisions on their behalf. The main forms of these types include: For example, ongoing political turmoil has weakened investor and consumer confidence in Egypt and Brazil. David Ingram has written for several publications since 2009, including „The Houston Chronicle“ and online at As a small business owner, Ingram regularly faces modern issues in management, marketing, finance, and business law.