Legal Research and Writing Exam Questions

Legal Research in a Nutshell, 11th edition by Morris L. Cohen and Kent C. Olson (West, 2013). Continues the tradition of the Nutshell series by gathering a lot of information in one easy-to-carry volume. A great place to get a short and accessible explanation of a legal resource. Illustrated. KF240. C54. Academic Legal Writing: Law Review Articles, Student Notes, Seminar Papers, and Getting on Law Review, 4th edition by Eugene Volokh (Foundation Press, 2010).

A very good resource for law students interested in writing and publishing. Start with a chapter on finding something to write about, then offer tips on writing introductions, background sections, and conclusions. Includes chapters on how to complete different drafts, how to do research and how to edit a law article. KF250. V6. North Carolina Legal Research by Scott Childs (Carolina Academic Press, 2010). This book is part of a series of government research guides from the same publisher. It contains chapters on the study of secondary sources, constitutions, laws, legislative history, legal opinions, and administrative regulations and decisions. KFN7475. C48.

Legal Writing in a Nutshell, 4th edition by Lynn Bahrych (West, 2009). Another standalone volume in the Nutshell series. Covers the basics of legal composition, from sentence and paragraph structure to document organization. KF250. S68. Fundamentals of Legal Research, 9th edition by Steven M. Barkan, Roy M. Mersky and Donald J.

Dunn (Foundation Press, 2009). This book, well known to legal research educators, is less a procedural „manual“ (although it does include a chapter on the legal research process) than an explanation of the history, purpose, and content of a variety of important legal resources. Highly illustrated. KF240. J32. North Carolina Legal Research Guide, 2nd edition by Scott Childs and Nick Sexton (Hein, 2009). A 400+ page guide that provides bibliographic and procedural information for legal research in North Carolina. This book covers the structure of state government, secondary sources, the legislative process and history of the state, legal law, jurisprudence, practice papers, and other aspects of state law. Provides print and online resources.

KFN7475. K37. Some professors have made their previous exams available online at My Carolina Law. There, you can search for exams by faculty member and/or exam title. The 1Ls can access these documents after the beginning of the fall semester. Garner`s Dictionary of Legal Usage, 3rd edition by Bryan A. Garner (Oxford University Press, 2011). Black`s Dictionary, which Garner edits, defines words.

This volume, almost as voluminous as Black`s himself, is a guide to style and use of thousands of legal terms. Examples illustrating the use are drawn from case law and other sources of law. KE156. G367. Clear and Effective Legal Writing, 4th edition by Veda R. Charrow, Myra K. Erhardt and Robert P. Charrow (Wolters Kluwer, 2007).

A large volume whose content ranges from reading legal documents to the basics of legal writing. Provides lessons on how to approach a writing task, understand its context, and tips for organizing your work. Contains a number of writing guidelines, such as How to write short sentences, maintain a parallel structure, and avoid typical writing problems. A final section explains how to create memos and an appeal brief. Many examples were provided. KF250. C45. CALI (Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction) lessons are a way to refresh or test your dissertation on various aspects of law. You can consult them at any time, but they are most often used to prepare for exams. To register online, go to and follow the instructions to register as a student.

Information on student and faculty registration is available on Basic Legal Research: Tools and Strategies, 4th edition by Amy E. Sloan (Aspen, 2009). An effective tool for learning the basics of legal research and providing step-by-step instructions on how to conduct it. Nicely illustrated with good explanations. KF240. S66. Legal Writing and Analysis, 3rd edition by Linda H. Edwards (Aspen, 2011). A process-oriented book that begins with the role of the lawyer, continues with the reading and analysis of the right to write plans, memoranda, letters and briefs.