L`age Legal De La Retraite En Algerie

It is a question of automatically retiring researchers and professors who refuse to leave! Algerian pension regulations alone do not allow the validation of a period of national service. 13Pending the completion of the work of this committee and in the absence of an earlier regulatory list, the authorities have stated that workers engaged in arduous and dangerous work will continue to retire regardless of their age.6 However, since the list of these workers was never established by regulation, it is legitimate to ask what is meant by heavy work. Should workers be free to submit the application, which will then be examined and processed in accordance with the arguments put forward as to the cumbersome nature of the position represented? Or should we refer to the contractual clauses that specify the elements of this category? or to retire without age restriction if they have actually worked for 32 years. Pension contributions are collected by the National Pension Fund (CNR). The employer may decide to forcibly retire the employee from the age of sixty-five (65). „The text to ensure proper use of the elaborate mechanism also defines the rights and obligations of each party,“ the statement added. The government currently provides no reason for this amendment to the 2016 law, which, it should be remembered, „abolished early retirement and without age condition“. To be entitled to the old-age pension, the employee must have performed actual work, the duration of which must be at least seven and a half years (7.5) and have paid social security contributions,“ the article states. How can Algerian teacher-researchers be forced to give way to young people? Force them to resign by decree! And yet, they refuse to leave. History. In another chapter, old-age pensions for 2020 will be reassessed from 1 May, as part of the increase and improvement of the purchasing power of pensioners. – And present themselves to the employers` organization at least three (3) months before the legal retirement age, including by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

or to claim the proportional pension if he fulfils both conditions of being at least 50 years of age for a man and at least 45 years of age for a woman and 20 or 20 years of age. have worked effectively for 15 years; 11 Thus, as long as early retirement was open to workers in all sectors, without making any distinction on the basis of arduousness, there was no longer any need to draw up that list. 18In reality, this transitional period, which gives the impression that the legislation has been the subject of two simultaneous versions, finds its raison d`être in the discontent of public opinion provoked by the draft law on pensions even before its adoption, which led the authorities to intervene hastily and to add Article 61 bis. In the hope of easing tensions by allowing workers who would be 60 years old in 2019 to benefit from early retirement during these two years of transition. „The employee may, if necessary, submit his request for continuation of activity to the employers` organization by any means, including by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt,“ says the same decree, noting that the person must have a job when filing the application for continuation of his activity after retirement age. In accordance with Executive Decree No. 20-107 of 30 April 2020 setting the conditions for continuing the activity after the legal retirement age, published in the Official Journal No. 27 of 6 May 2020, the employee who has continued to work after the legal retirement age and wishes to retire before reaching the age of 65 is required to pay. 2 See H. for more details: H. Chakib Boukli, „La réforme des retraites en Algérie: loi du 31 décembre 2016“, Revue de Droit Comparé du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale, n° 01/2017, Comptrasec, Bordeaux, pp. 122123 persons receiving a chronic sickness, old-age or disability pension whose income is equal to or less than the SNMG are covered at 100% of the amount of care.

The text, according to a statement from the Prime Minister, „intervenes to modify and supplement Article 2 of Law No. 16-15 of 31 December 2016“. According to the document, this new decree „allows the employee to voluntarily decide to continue his activity within five years of the legal retirement age, during which the employer can not retire automatically“. 10Subsequently, and in the context of the legalization of early retirement in 1997, the legislation on industrial relations (Law 90-11, amended and supplemented) referred to collective agreements relating to the regulation of legal working time3 in order to establish the list of particularly arduous and dangerous work. Physical or nervous constraints justifying the right to a reduction in legal working hours4. If there is no indication that this reduction in working hours could also lead to a lowering of the statutory retirement age, this category of workers could take early retirement under the conditions laid down in Regulation 97-13 referred to above.