Hong Kong Id 3 Year Rule

Hello Excellent website and information. 3*AX was born in mainland China but moved to HK at a young age and has lived most of my life in HK, naturalized British citizen since the 80s. Does the rule apply to me? Looks like it shouldn`t! hongkongvisageeza.com/how-does-hong-kong-right-of-abode-downgrade-to-the-right-to-land-materialize-and-what-are-the-immigration-implications-of-this/ hello, is there a minimum stay of 3 years or a tourist trip of 2 weeks every three years enough? The right of residence in Hong Kong allows a person to live and work in the territory without restrictions or residency requirements. Someone who has this right is a permanent resident of Hong Kong. Foreign nationals can acquire the right of residence after fulfilling a seven-year residency requirement and receive most of the rights normally associated with citizenship, including the right to vote in regional elections. However, they are not eligible to hold a territorial passport or run for election in most Legislative Council constituencies unless they are also naturalized Chinese citizens. However, for a Chinese citizen born in Hong Kong or who has habitually resided in Hong Kong for an uninterrupted period of at least 7 years, the right of his child to reside in Hong Kong depends on whether the child has Chinese nationality at the time of birth. Non-residents seeking permanent residence must be habitually resident in Hong Kong for an uninterrupted period of at least seven years before being eligible for status. [24] Habitual residence excludes certain categories of persons in this context, including central government officials, foreign domestic workers, and prisoners. [25] Chinese nationals may be admissible using a seven-year period of residence, while foreigners are only admissible on the basis of the seven years immediately preceding their application.

[24] Persons from mainland China who wish to settle in Hong Kong are additionally subject to emigration control by the central government. [26] Very helpful thanks for the contribution. They did not mention the property. I am a permanent HK card holder and partly own an apartment in HK. I haven`t been to HK for almost 3 years. If I lose my permanent identification status because I haven`t landed in 3 years, because it can`t be renewed because the law needs to be changed (and I can`t see it), does that affect my right to own property in Hong Kong or not? To acquire the statue of permanent residence in Hong Kong, foreigners must legally accumulate the duration of residence in Hong Kong for at least 7 years. It is not necessary to be present in Hong Kong for the 7 years, the laws define the 7 years of residence as „7 years habitual residence in Hong Kong“ – no definition in black and writing is referenced. Therefore, foreign entrepreneurs who are in Hong Kong and aim to obtain Hong Kong permanent identity cards can leave Hong Kong without interrupting habitual residence in the following situation: You must be legally resident in Hong Kong if you are applying for verification of eligibility for a permanent identity card. The continuous period of 7 years during which you habitually reside in Hong Kong must be immediately prior to the date on which you apply to the Director of Immigration for permanent resident status for residence in the HKSAR. Hi, I haven`t used my HKID since 2016; My card is type R0. Now, if I drive to Hong Kong during the pandemic, can I still use the card to clear customs since 3 years have passed? Hello, My daughter left Hong Kong on January 25, 2019.

Does that mean they will be able to do it before age 24? January 2022 needs to return to Hong Kong to maintain its ROA or 3-year rule? I haven`t been to Hong Kong for over 3 years due to Covid and if I lose my PR and need to apply for a new card, will my HKID number change? If you are participating in a one-way permit and are ordinarily resident in Hong Kong for an uninterrupted period of at least 7 years, you can apply for verification of eligibility for a permanent identity card by completing the application form (ROP169/ROP170) to establish your right of residence in the HKSAR. Adam – far be it from me to try to contradict your obviously very strong point of view (which I understand and respect), but frankly, since life in Hong Kong is what it is, and having been here for about 27 years, I have better things to do than walk from North Point to Central on a Sunday and demand a change in the law you seek. In any case, you should contact the Chinese government, not the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This is the Chinese Citizenship Law. I am not an apologist for anything. I`m a simple guy. I want to help people solve their visa problems here and feed my family at the same time. No more, no less. A non-Chinese citizen who entered Hong Kong with a valid travel document, habitually resided in Hong Kong for an uninterrupted period of at least 7 years and chose Hong Kong as his permanent resident before or after the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Hong Kong permanent residents do not have automatic rights to residency or employment in mainland China. The central government issues re-entry permits to residents who are Chinese citizens for travel purposes[42] and residence permits if they intend to live or work on the mainland for more than six months. [43] Hong Kong permanent residents are also subject to immigration controls in Macau and must obtain a residence permit if they live there for more than one year.

[44] Hello, I have 3 stars AO do I have to go back within 3 years? I left in August 2017, but due to high-risk Covid-19 thank you And seven years of uninterrupted stay later, you can then apply for a right of residence again. Hi, I am a permanent resident but I have been outside Hong Kong for almost three years due to restrictions I am planning a trip so that I can keep my residency but I would like to know if it is possible to leave through immigration and then turn around and come back or I have to stay in HK for a minimum period for this residency to be valid? Or can I do the three-day quarantine and then leave? Do you have any information? Let me know, thank you very much. If so, the 3-year rule does not apply to you. All of this is done by law once you cross the 3-year mark without entering Hong Kong, so you don`t have to fill out a form. Like many of those who have written here, I am a permanent resident but have not been to Hong Kong for just over three years due to Covid. Upon my return, I can still use the resident line at the immigration office at the airport and use my ID card to enter Hong Kong, or do I need my passport or a combination (e.g. resident line with ID card and passport); Or do I need to clarify the entrance via the tourist line? All days of residence in Hong Kong are not counted towards the accumulation of 7 years of habitual residence. First, the entrepreneur must be admitted to Hong Kong on a residence visa.

Secondly, these periods of residence must be continuous. Hong Kong was a British colony from 1842 until its surrender to China in 1997. [1] As a result, local residency regulations during colonial rule were closely linked to British citizenship law. [2] All British subjects previously had unlimited access to live and work in any British territory. [3] Parliament progressively restricted this provision from 1962 to 1971, when the first immigration controls were imposed on persons from outside the British Isles when they entered the United Kingdom. [4] Hong Kong followed suit and imposed greater restrictions on subjects from outside the territory.