What Is the Dictionary Definition of Apothecary

She started a pharmacy business after her death to help others strengthen their immune systems to better fight infections. Although the sign at the back of the store in the Old Town Square read Pharmacist, most called the man behind the counter „pharmacist“ by his modern title. After losing his father at a young age, he was placed with a pharmacist with whom he lived for several years. Nglish: Translation of Pharmacy for Spanish speakers As for his age, he himself told the pharmacist of the Bastille, shortly before his death, that he thought he was about sixty years old. This five-syllable apothecal word, which came into English in the 14th century, is derived from the Latin apothÄca, „warehouse.“ It became a title for the person who was sent in the preparation of medicines. „Pharmacist“ is a more common synonym for pharmacy. Some contemporary merchants and pharmacy owners use the old-fashioned charm of the term pharmacist to label the products they sell. The next to suffer was a pharmacist named Franklin, from whom the poison had been obtained. The property is really beautiful and has the look of an apothecary shop rather than a grocery store. He may be the only person who is not a pharmacist here.

Pharmacy, bodega, and boutique may not sound very similar, but they are all related in both meaning and origin. Each of these words can be traced back to a Latin word for „warehouse“ (apotheca), and each in English refers to some sort of retail store. Although bodega originally meant „a wine warehouse,“ today it most often refers to a grocery store in an urban area, specifically a grocery store specializing in Hispanic food. Boutique has also taken on new meanings: its first meaning in English („a small retail store“) is still relevant, but it can now also refer to „a small business offering highly specialized products or services“. Of the three words, pharmacy has changed the least; It was no longer just the person selling drugs or medicines, but also the store where those products are sold. These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word „pharmacist“. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems in English.

Middle English apothecary, apotecary, pothecarie, borrowed from Anglo-French and medieval Latin; Anglo-French apothecary, ipotecaire, borrowed from medieval Latin apotÄcÄrius, apothÄcÄrius, back in late Latin, „trader“, from Latin apothÄca „storeroom, warehouse, storage place“ (borrowed from the Greek apothá ̧kÄ, variant of apotithã nai „to tidy, to tidy“ âde apo- apo- + tithã©©nai „to fix, to place“ + -kÄ, nominal suffix) + -Ärius -ary entry 1 â plus under C Point 1 Find out, which words collaborate and produce more natural English with the Oxford Collocations app Dictionary.