What Is Legal Perspective

Expert Perspectives welcomes the voices of industry leaders who share their expertise and ideas directly on the ground. Explore this section to get the perspectives of those at the top of their class. There is no clear answer to what equality really means or when it is achieved. The term „equity“ appears to be related to the notion of equality in that it requires that people of all kinds be treated equally or equally distributed in a set of decision-making outcomes or a mixture of both. The term equity implies both equality and civil liberties, for both individuals and groups. It connects the different social layers of individuality and personality on the one hand and the group on the one hand The goal of a society must be to implement/shape equitable algorithmic decision-making (Muller, 2020). However, the concept of fairness is complex. Philosophers have debated the general question of what equity means for centuries (see, for example, the theory of proportional equity of Ameriks and Clarke (2000), but also the work of Rawls (1971) and Dworkin, 1981a, Dworkin, 1981b more recently). To ensure the fairness of the machine learning models that form the basis of AI decision-making, AI decision-making must be mathematically defined so that it can be implemented in such a model. For many possible AI decision-making scenarios, a clear definition of what equity actually means can only be established by considering the context of application (GÃ1/4roÄlu et al., 2010). Cooter, R.D. and Rubinfeld, D.L.

(1989). „Economic Analysis of Legal Disputes and their Resolution„, Journal of Economic Literature, 27, 1067-97. By „U.S. legal perspective,“ we mean that Wex is grounded in U.S. law and that, ideally, any discussion begins in the abstract and then extends in the general order to relevant federal, legal, and regulatory specificities. International law and comparative law are explicitly discussed as such. In practice, the „U.S. law perspective“ means that, unless otherwise stated, Wex`s definitions and overviews speak of U.S.

law. Ehrlich, I. and Posner, R.A. (1974). „An Economic Analysis of Legal Regulation.“ Journal of Legal Studies, 3, 257-286. The „American legal perspective“ does not mean that Wex ignores comparative law. This means that when civil law and customary law are discussed (whether general or specific), they are explicitly labeled and (whether by narrative or link) linked to parallel documents on American law. In this article, we examine the legal framework for embedding sensitive features in a support vector machine for a fictional scenario and discuss the resulting challenges in practical application. It turns out that general ignorance of sensitive characteristics – as has been the case so far – does not seem to be an appropriate strategy for algorithmic decision-making. A process-oriented approach is only supposed to approach individual justice: assuming that fewer errors occur when recording protected characteristics, individuals are ultimately less likely to be misjudged, especially if one protected group is more prone to error than the other.

PIP: The law itself cannot define life. Nor can biology and psychology completely define life. Life defines itself. The use of logical reasoning to filter out a particular moment in the prenatal development process of the unborn child, when life in the sense of personality actually begins, has been inspired by ulterior motives, particularly the desire for a scientific basis for a particular point of view in the abortion debate. Science is misused to legitimize a preconceived prejudice against abortion. The ultimate view of medico-legal issues such as abortion and euthanasia is rooted in pre-scientific moral perceptions and religious beliefs, not science. On the other hand, there is the fact that the law does not exist in a vacuum. It has territorial boundaries, it has a power structure and a social environment.

With the same reasoning, the law itself, in its own structure, presupposes the concept of life itself, that is, the law regulates the actions of living persons.