What Is an Evaluate Definition

Subscribe to America`s largest dictionary and get thousands of other definitions and an advanced search – ad-free! Estimating, evaluating, evaluating, evaluating, evaluating, evaluating means judging something according to its value or importance. Estimation involves a judgment, considered or incidental, that precedes or replaces actual measurement, counting or testing. Estimating the value of the amount at two cents usually involves the determination of the monetary value of a thing by an expert, but it can be used by any critical judgment. The valuation of their home suggests an attempt to determine relative or intrinsic value in terms other than monetary. Assess the value of a student`s work equally, but without involving specialized knowledge. A watercolor valued by the donor at the price of $500 makes it possible to estimate the idea of placing a thing on a scale of values. A highly rated restaurant review involves a review for the purpose of understanding or interpretation, or as a guide to taking action. Officials are trying to assess the damage We are open to reviewing and evaluating anything that we believe will increase long-term shareholder value. Regression of evaluation, French evaluation, Central French evaluation, evaluator to evaluation©, e-+ value Without this data, we cannot even assess whether changes in policing reduce racial inequalities in interactions with police. The large-scale testing phase is designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the vaccine. It`s a matter of judgment of how you evaluate a particular characteristic.

They will always have some basic morphological characteristics in common, but it will be difficult to know how to assess them. When asked to evaluate his own work, Leigh was a little more reserved. Several agent examiners were available to evaluate this material. Again, the committee did not participate in a fact-finding mission, but sought to fully assess the evidence. Above the narrow hips of the other was a looped belt, on which hung bags and tools that the primitive settler could not judge. Because these ingredients are so new, we need new methods to evaluate them. We can now set up a scientifically well-prepared study to evaluate transfusions versus improved care. Nglish: The translation of the exam for the Spanish-language DOJ and CDC numbers differs, and conviction rates are harder to assess. In schools, this meant finding new ways to assess students – and therefore their teachers. „Evaluate. Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/evaluate.

Retrieved 15 October 2022. These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word „rate“. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. When you evaluate something, you are making a judgment, which most likely results from some degree of analysis. Breaking down the nutritional benefits and harms of dessert options is an evaluation. Diving into a Ben and Jerry`s bathtub because you have a desire is not. The word evaluate was used as a mathematical term before it became part of standard usage. Hence its wobbly connotation of objectivity.

The Chicago-based aerospace giant has assessed its workforce as it completes the first cut announced earlier this year. A very useful tool for evaluating air purifiers is this directory of ambient air purifiers maintained by AHAM.