What Is a Personification Easy Definition

We also used personification on the blog. Here are some examples we`ve used in the past: Impersonating birds and bees simplifies the concept in a way that is easier to recognize. It is also personification and metaphor at the same time. In contrast, personification is short, usually an isolated action or description, and serves to provide a description or add dramatic or poetic effect. The eponymous raven in Poe`s poem The Raven is personified, not anthropomorphized, because the narrator of the poem is the one who attributes human traits to it by „hearing“ his speech, rather than the raven itself being a talking bird. Cisneros uses personification to emphasize the restrictive circumstances of Esperanza`s family. For Esperanza, the windows of the house seem to „hold your breath“ because of their small size, creating an image of suffocation. This personification not only enhances the description of the Mango Street house for the reader, but also reflects Esperanza`s feelings for the house, his family, and his life. Like the windows, Esperanza holds her breath with hope for a better future and the fear that her dreams will not come true. Other early examples of personification, especially in a literary context, are the Four Horsemen of Revelation that appear in the Bible. In Revelation, a book that describes the events of Revelation, the punishments of the divine are personified to the people of Earth as four men on horseback and bringing various tragedies to the world. Personification not only allows the audience to see these concepts such as joy, sadness, and fear as a character, but also gives them a voice and the ability to act to create a narrative.

If you`ve ever seen a cartoon and seen a briefly „animated“ object to illustrate its characteristics or relationship to a character, you`ve seen an animated personification. Check out this example from The Simpsons. In this anthropomorphism (which is an expanded personification, see Related Terms), the lizard stands, uses hand movements, laughs, and speaks with a Cockney accent. This causes people to identify with the mascot, which makes them feel better about the product. The Geico Gecko is a strong example of successful personification in advertising. Overall, personification functions as a literary way to create images and connections between the animate and the inanimate for the reader. Therefore, personification allows writers to convey meaning in creative and poetic ways. These figures of speech enhance the reader`s understanding of concepts and comparisons, the interpretation of symbols and themes, and the enjoyment of language. It`s just a legend, you say? But what is the meaning of the legendOtherwiseTo blame women the mostAnd the most punishment? This is the meaning of a legend that colors all human thought; It is not found in animals. Personification is a poetic literary device in which non-living beings receive human traits. The most common example of personification is when we describe the wind as blowing or the sun is shining. In this example, the non-living object (wind or sun) is described as if it were alive and could act on its own initiative.

Personification allows writers to create life and movement in inanimate objects, animals, and even abstract ideas by attributing recognizable human behaviors and emotions to them. Greek mythology is the relevant example of personifications. Before analyzing some examples and benefits of personification, let`s create a definition of personification. The definition of personification that we have established so far is quite simple, but what makes it a literary device? The authors use it to achieve various effects. Some authors use it to add color and images to their text, while others use it to add human attributes to objects. The purpose of personification is to help the reader better visualize certain elements of the story or poem. If human characteristics are figurative, it is essentially personification. If they are meant literally – like Tony the Tiger who says, „They are grrrrreat!“ – it is anthropomorphism. Personification energizes prose and poetry in equal measure.

For an example of prose personification, read this excerpt from John Knowles` A Separate Peace: You`ve encounter personification in a variety of settings. You`ve probably used it in your speeches and writings, even if you weren`t familiar with the term „personification.“ If you`ve ever said something like „the computer won`t cooperate,“ you`ve used personification. In the first chapter of Cisneros` book, narrator Esperanza describes the house she and her family are moving into. Her parents promised her that they would find a spacious and welcoming home for their family, similar to what Esperanza saw on television. However, their economic insecurity has prevented them from finding a home that represents the American dream. This technique is used in both prose and poetry. In fact, the roots of personification can be found in ancient literature. It has been used for thousands of years to help writers describe fantastic creatures such as mermaids and dragons. This example shows that personification can be used for more meaningful purposes than simply making the description of a scene more vivid.

After all, how can death be a person, let alone a mother? Here are some examples where it is effective to use personification when writing: Although writers use personification in all types of creative writing, you are more likely to encounter it in children`s stories. Much of this is that children`s stories tend to feature animals and objects rather than humans as characters. Personalizing an object means describing it pictorially with human characteristics to create a vivid image of that object in your reader`s mind.