Political Legal Findings

Religious lawAlso known as theocratic law; This legal system is based on religious guidelines. is also known as theocratic law and is based on religious guidelines. The best-known example of religious law is Islamic law, also known as Islamic Sharia religious law, which deals with all aspects of daily life; In terms of economics and finance, the law prohibits charging interest on money and other usual investment activities, including hedging and short selling. Islamic law governs a number of Islamic nations and communities around the world and is the most widely used religious legal system. Two other religious legal systems are the Jewish halacha and the Christian canon system, neither of which is practiced nationally in any country. The Christian canon system is observed in Vatican City. After the 2018 decision, many questions remained unanswered as to when these groups should disclose donor names. The revised Regulation itself should not answer these questions; It was simply a matter of aligning the existing rules with existing judicial decisions. Some of these questions were answered in an unusual guide published by the Commission on its website following the 2018 decision.

This directive, which remains in effect, requires groups (other than political committees) that pay independent expenses to disclose the names of donors over $200 who made contributions „for political purposes“ during the reporting period. There is no consensus on how to measure democracy, definitions of democracy are controversial and there is a lively debate going on on the issue. Although the terms „freedom“ and „democracy“ are often used interchangeably, the two are not synonymous. Democracy can be seen as a set of practices and principles that institutionalize and thus ultimately protect freedom. Although consensus on precise definitions has proved elusive, most observers now agree that the fundamental characteristics of a democracy include at least majority rule and the consent of the governed, free and fair elections, protection of minorities, and respect for fundamental human rights. Democracy presupposes equality before the law, the rule of law and political pluralism. Liberty and Justice for Some,“ Economist, August 22, 2007, accessed December 21, 2010, www.economist.com/node/8908438. Since political systems vary from one area to another, the policy implications differ. The people of the country democratically elect an open system of government.

In totalitarian systems, the power of government comes from a select group. Here are two concrete examples of political influences that we have assessed as part of our business planning for our clients: But when is a contribution „earmarked for political purposes“? If a donor provides funds for campaign activities, is the donation „used for political purposes“? If a donor makes a contribution after a presentation from an external group describing their political activities, does the donation have to be declared? What about a donation to promote impactful advertising whose purpose, at least in part, is to defeat a particular candidate? None of these issues are addressed in the interim final regime and website guidelines. Why should companies care about the different political and legal systems of the world? First, despite the globalization of the economy, companies must comply with the local rules and regulations of the countries in which they operate. In the case study in Chapter 1 „Introduction,“ you discovered how U.S. Google had to deal with Chinese government restrictions on free speech to do business in China. China`s various policies and legal policies have led Google to discontinue its mainland Chinese version of its website and direct users in mainland China to a Hong Kong version. Politically, a country`s government may try to protect jobs or certain industries. Some industries may be considered critical to national security, such as defence, telecommunications and infrastructure – for example, a government may be concerned about who owns its country`s ports. National security issues can affect both a country`s import and export, as some governments may not want advanced technological information to be sold to hostile foreign interests. Some governments use trade as retaliation when another country is politically or economically unjust. On the other hand, governments can influence trade to reward a country for its political support in global affairs. State-owned enterprises, like their private-sector counterparts, can retain the profits from oil production, providing a significant incentive for governments to retain or regain control of this highly lucrative industry.

Whether the motive is economic (i.e. profit) or political (i.e. government control), „foreign companies and investors are finding that national and local rules and regulations are increasingly designed to favor domestic firms at their expense. Multinationals are now competing as never before with state-owned enterprises armed with significant financial and political support from their governments. Ian Bremmer, „The Long Shadow of the Visible Hand,“ Wall Street Journal, May 22, 2010, accessed December 21, 2010, online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704852004575258541875590852.html. Changes in government policy are the political factors. Change can be economic, legal or social. It could also be a mixture of these factors. However, in parallel with the approval of the interim final rule, three FEC commissioners issued a rare „interpretive statement“ addressing some of these issues, citing Covington`s earlier analysis that had highlighted the uncertainty and confusion of the current approach.