Pivot Legal Society Staff

Katrina Pacey, Criminal Defense Attorney, Pivot Legal Society// www.pivotlegal.org Pivot has amplified the voices of marginalized people in unprecedented ways and has proven to be an influential advocate, particularly on housing issues. At the same time, they have broadened the legal perspectives of the professionals who contribute to Pivot`s success. „I got my legal education through Pivot,“ says Katrina. „When Pivot grew up, I grew up.“ After several years volunteering with Pivot, Katrina now works as a criminal defense lawyer at Pivot`s new social enterprise law firm, Pivot Legal LLP. The LLP is a self-financing innovation, a for-profit subsidiary of a social justice advocacy group. By practicing law at LLP, Katrina helps fund the charitable efforts that remain her passion. Through these contributions, Pivot staff and volunteers have developed some of the most innovative approaches to community activism. „Renewal is confident that we are doing the right thing with our support. It`s a responsibility we take seriously,“ says Katrina. Through the wisdom and passion of its community, Pivot has had a positive impact on systems, powers and policies, demonstrating how the success of marginalized people benefits everyone. As Katrina says, „All these principles that people want our society to uphold are enshrined in law. We can use the law to remember who we want to be. Today, Pivot leads Canada`s political agenda to protect the rights of marginalized people.

Pivot has always known Renewal because it grew out of relationships established at the Social Venture Institute (SVI). Since then, Renewal has supported Pivot with a two-pronged strategy of investing and charitable giving: an initial grant from Endswell has helped keep Pivot`s vision alive. Subsequent investments and mentorship helped strengthen Pivot`s impact. The recent joint purchase of a building helped give Pivot a home. In 2001, first-year law student Katrina Pacey discovered the Pivot Legal Society, a forward-thinking non-profit organization serving Vancouver`s Downtown Eastside. Working out of a founder`s bedroom and renting offices, Pivot had begun to grow into an important advocacy group for marginalized people. Katrina devoured the atmosphere of collaboration of lawyers and citizens of the East Side around a table. It has found its place in the reform of the law for sex workers.