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Therefore, Decree No. 1743 of 3 August 1994, Official Gazette No. 41.476, chapter number 1 „The school environment project“, in article 1, tells us that the school environment project must be included in institutional educational projects. INSTITUTIONALIZATION. From January 1995, in accordance with the curricular guidelines established by the Ministry of National Education and the National Environmental Education Policy, all formal and private educational institutions in the country, at their various levels of nursery, primary and secondary schools, should include in their institutional educational projects: environmental projects, schools within the framework of environmental diagnostics, local, regional and/or national, contribute to solving specific environmental problems… (Order in Council 1743 of 1994, S.F., P. 1994). (1) The Department of Education of San Benito was established by resolution 3747 of 17. September 2003 approved by the Minister of Education of Cundinamarca, „for preschool, basic and secondary education, issued by the Ministry of Education of Cundinamarca, and resolution 4146 of 1 August 2006 for secondary education…“ (Educational Institution of the Department of San Benito, 2013), with which he serves — children and adolescents from kindergarten to primary school. The task of this institution is to provide the service for the quality of education and to train sociable beings so that they can coexist in society, taking into account values, rights and duties.

In chapter number 2 „Curriculum and curriculum“, in article 77, he speaks of „school autonomy“, in which formal units have the right to have autonomy at the time of organization of the basic domains and to include areas in the areas prescribed by law, according to the needs of development of methods in the directives „ARTICLE 77. Within the limits set by this Law and the Institutional Education Project, formal educational institutions shall enjoy the necessary autonomy to organize the basic knowledge areas established for each level, introduce optional courses in the areas defined by law, adapt certain areas to regional needs and specificities, apply teaching methods and organize training activities. Culture and sports, within the framework of the guidelines established by the Ministry of National Education. In this research, legal references such as; the Political Constitution of Colombia, the General Law of Education, in addition to decrees and resolutions 1. Article 25 of the Act on the Comprehensive Protection of Children and Adolescents (LEPINA) (g) establishes permanent counselling and nutritional health programmes to be distributed to children and adolescents in public and private educational centres. 2. The implementing regulations of the Law on Educational Careers stipulate: „In each nursery, primary, intermediate and special school, parents shall organize themselves into committees for the development of education, including economic, social, cultural promotion, sports, educational recreation, maintenance of schools or those required by the needs of institutions“ 3. that in the specific technical standards of internal control of the Ministry of Education, Law 231, stipulates: The work of the School Nutrition and Health Programme (PASE) aims to: contribute to the improvement of students` nutritional status, practical learning conditions and stability in schools by providing a snack with the participation of the educational community, Promote knowledge, capacity and appropriate practices in the following areas: Health, nutrition and nutrition.

4. The agreements on the transfer of funds for schoolchildren, signed by the Ministry of Education and the School Administration Agency (ÇDECECE), which set out the conditions under which MIXED transfers funds from the general budget of the Ministry of Education to the school administration modality. 5. Agreement No. 15-0026 of 9. January 2013 issued the instructions for the management, execution and execution of the budget of the school, which is specified in Roman V, General Standards, paragraph 3: „The investments made by the Agency must be linked to the achievement of the objectives and projects established in the annual school plan and the budget of the Education Center, they must comply with these instructions as well as the principles of rationality, Take into account economy and transparency in the use of financial resources“. 7. Humanities, Spanish language and foreign languages. 8. Mathematics. „Everyone has the right to a healthy environment.

The law guarantees the participation of the Community in decisions likely to affect it… (Political Constitution of Colombia 1991 (2008), p. 31). The State has a duty to protect, maintain and promote environmental education. This research takes into account Bill 115 or the General Education Act in Title No. 1, called „Interim Provisions“ in Section No. 1, says: „Purpose of the Act. Education is a process of continuous, personal, cultural and social formation based on an integral conception of the human person, his dignity, rights and duties. (Colombia Ministerio de Educacion Nacional.Ley general de Educacion 115, 1994).

This law mentions the laws that must be applied to regulate the public education service and is also based on the political constitution of Colombia. In Title No. 2, „Structure of the Education Service“, Chapter No. 1, „Formal Education“, First Section, „Common Provisions“, Article 13 of Law 115 provides: Article 21 of Law 115 „Specific objectives of basic education in primary education“ stipulates that the first 5 years of schooling must first be oriented towards the formation of values, self-esteem and self-love, promotion of self-knowledge, Development of literacy skills, autonomous participation in society. Education can be defined as the process by which people socialize to receive knowledge from other people as well as knowledge acquired through the teaching and learning process, taking into account the cultural state in which the community finds itself, values, etc. In the Political Constitution of Colombia of 1991, in the second chapter entitled „Social, economic and cultural rights“, article 67 stands out, which states: „Education is a human right and a public service that has a social function: it seeks access to knowledge, science and technology. and other cultural goods and values. (Political Constitution of Colombia 1991, 2008, p. 28). Education will train Colombians to live in society taking into account rights and duties, education is also compulsory for children from 5 to 15 years of age, in addition, education in State organizations will be free of charge and it is the duty of the State to supervise and ensure quality education.

including human, academic and material resources to implement the policy and carry out the institutional education project. (Colombia Ministerio de Educacion Nacional.Ley general de Educacion 115, 1994, p. (17) Chapter 3, entitled „Collective rights and the environment“, highlights article 79, which provides: 9.