Legal Secretary Joke

How many lawyer jokes are there anyway? Only three. The rest are true stories. You`ve heard that, along with a million other lawyer jokes that people have thrown at you from the moment you first announced that you would be going to school to become a paralegal. Some of them are probably even told in the law firm. Even lawyers love to laugh and there are many aspects of legal practice that are ripe for a bit of dry humor. But even lawyers who like to poke fun at themselves and their profession have certain limitations. The following 20 jokes may be good for laughs at home or on the street, but don`t try to tell them in the office break room! A man was sent to hell for his sins. When he was led into the pits for an eternity of torment, he saw a lawyer passionately kissing a beautiful woman. „What a joke!“ he said. „I have to burn for eternity and this lawyer can pass it with this beautiful woman.“ Satan struck the man with his pitchfork and growled, „Who are you to question this woman`s punishment?“ As a U.S. multinational operating in other countries, Etsy must comply with economic sanctions and trade restrictions, including those imposed by the U.S.

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What does a lawyer get if you give him Viagra? Bigger. For more information, see Etsy`s Cookies and Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. The CAPTCHA could not be loaded. Try disabling your ad blocker or using a different browser. In addition to complying with OFAC requirements and applicable local laws, Etsy members should be aware that other countries may impose their own trade restrictions and that certain items may not be permitted to be exported or imported under international law. If people from different countries are involved in a transaction, you should study the laws of the relevant countries.